Fiche de Emmanuella DOUSSIS

- Fonction
- Curriculum Vitae
- Publications
Professeur agrégée des institutions internationales à l’Université Nationale et Capodistrienne d’Athènes (Grèce), Departement de Science Politique et d’Administration Publique. Elle a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat en 1998, à l’Université d’Athènes sur « La notion d’intérêt juridique dans la jurisprudence de la Cour Internationale de Justice : applications classiques et nouvelles approches »
Carrière universitaire :
2019 Project Coordinator of the Jean Monnet module on European Climate Diplomacy cofunded
by the European Commission Erasmus +.
2019 Visiting professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Aix-Marseille.
Lectures on the EU External Environmental Competence, on the Law of Maritime
Delimitation and on Effectiveness of International Environmental Law.
2019 Project Coordinator of the NKUA TEDx.
2015 Coordinator of the Athens EU Model (university students’ simulation of the European
Commission and the Council of the EU).
2018 Coordinator of the Athens EU Model Junior (high school students’ simulation of
European institutions).
2018 Coordinator of the research program “Investments and Protection of the Environment
in Southeast Europe”.
2015 Project coordinator of the Jean Monnet module on Moving the EU forward, co-funded
by the European Commission Erasmus + (2015-2018).
2015- Lectures in the Athens Summer School on European Climate Diplomacy.
2018 Visiting Professor, Law School, University of Grenoble, France. Lectures on
International Climate Change Law.
2017 Visiting Scholar, Law School, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
2017 Coordinator of the research program “Observatory of South East European climate
change policies and politics” on the environmental policy outputs and outcomes
reported in South East European Countries, funded by the National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens, Research Programme Kapodistrias.
2016 Coordinator of the research program EnvCOPs platform, an open-accessed
platform ( available in English and Greek, which codified the
international and regional environmental agreements in which the EU is a party,
funded by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Research
Programme Kapodistrias.
2016 Summer school on Environmental Governance. Introductory lecture on the
Evolution of Environmental Governance. KOUFA foundation (Salonica).
2014-2016 COST Action IS1105 NETwork of experts on the legal aspects of MARitime
SAFety and security (MARSAFENET), Working Group 4: protection of fragile and
semi-enclosed seas.
2015 Visiting Professor, Law School, University of Grenoble, France. Lectures on
International Organizations’ Responsibility and International Law of the Sea.
2013-2014 Participation in the FP 7 research project SIDERI (Strengthening the International
Dimension of Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure. Project coordinator: INFREMER
– Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploration de la Mer). Hellenic National
Centre for Marine Research. In charge of delivering a report on the institutional
framework for the conduct of scientific marine research in the Eastern
Mediterranean, specializing in the deployment of Argo floats.
2009-2014 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Expérience professionnelle :
1992-1993 : UNESCO (Paris, France).
Stage au sein de l’UNESCO – Division des Sciences Ecologiques. Participation au groupe de recherche concernant les aspects juridiques du réseau de réserve de la biosphère.
1993-1994 : INSULA (Paris, France)
Attachée de recherches auprès de l’ONG « INSULA – Conseil Scientifique International pour le Développement des Iles » qui siège à l’UNESCO. Participation dans de nombreuses activités en matière de développement durable des petits Etats insulaires. Participation aux conférences internationales ainsi qu’à l’Assemblée Générale de l’UNESCO. Préparation de propositions pour l’implémentation de l’agenda 21 dans les petits Etats insulaires.
1994-1996 : Conseillère ministérielle (Athènes, Grèce)
Conseillère du Ministre de la mer Egée pour les Affaires Culturelles. Collaboration et communication avec les Organisations Internationales.
1997-1998 : Senior expert (Bruxelles, Paris, Budapest)
Expert Scientifique de la Commission Européenne, Directions Générales XVI et I-a dans le cadre du programme Ecos-Ouverture. Evaluation des projets, organisation des rencontres avec les gestionnaires des projets, organisation d’ateliers d’information.
Ouvrages :
A. Books
1. International Law and Diplomacy of Climate Change, Nomiki Vivliothiki: Athens
2. Climate Change: Facts and Dilemmas, Papadopoulos: Athens, 2017, 125 ps (in Greek).
3. Global Environmental Governance in Crisis, Papazissis: Athens, 2014, 350 ps (in Greek).
4. The United Nations – International Responsibility and Peace Operations, Sakkoulas: Athens
– Thessaloniki, 2008, 312 pages (in Greek).
5. Sixty years from the Creation of the United Nations (ed. with prof. H. Dipla), Sideris: Athens,
2007, 144 pages (in Greek).
6. State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts (with prof. C. Economides), Sideris:
Athens, 2007, 250 pages (in Greek).
7. The International Criminal Court (with Ap. Papatolias), Sakkoulas: Athens-Thessaloniki,
2004, 84 ps. (in Greek).
8. Environmental Policy of the European Community and its Influence on Greece, Papazissis:
Athens, 2001, 108 ps (in Greek).
9. International Court of Justice. Summary of the Case-law (with professor H. Dipla), Ant.N.
Sakkoulas: Athens-Komotini, 2001, 274 ps (in Greek).
10. Legal Interest in the Case-law of the International Court of Justice, Ant. N. Sakkoulas,:Athens-
Komotini 1998, 520ps (in Greek).
B. Articles
1. « L’épopée de la baie de Piran », Annuaire du droit de la mer 2018, tome XXIII, 2019, pp. 155-
2. « Les zones économiques exclusives en Méditerranée : beaucoup de bruit pour rien ? », in M.-
P. Lafranchi (dir.), La gouvernance de la Mer Méditerranée, presses universitaires d’Aix-en-
Provence (forthcoming).
3. “Nuances de gris : les conditionnalités du FMI et les droits de l’homme”, in Catherine Titi (dir.),
Droit International Economique et droits de l’homme, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2019, pp. 351-368.
4. “The Institutional System of the European Union”, in N. Maravegias – Th. Sakellaropoulos
(eds.) European Integration and Greece – Economy, Society and Policies, Dionikos, Athens, 2018,
pp. 18-46 (in Greek).
5. “The International Monetary Fund and Global Ocean Governance”, Chapter 4, in David J.
Attard, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Alexandros X.M. Ntovas (Eds) Comprehensive Study on Effective
and Sustainable Global Ocean Governance – vol. 2: UN Specialized Agencies and Global Ocean
Governance, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018, pp. 121-135.
6. “Environmental Governance in the United Nations: the example of Climate Change” in H. Dipla
(ed.), The United Nations and New Challenges in the International Arena, Sakkoulas, Athens-
Thessaloniki, 2018, pp. 163-182 (in Greek).
7. “Marine scientific research in the Mediterranean Sea” in The Law of the Sea and the
Mediterranean, EPLO, 2018, Athens, pp. 53-63 (in Greek).
8. “Does International Environmental Law Matter in Sustainable Development?”, Yearbook of
International Environmental Law, 2017, pp. 1-13.
9. “International State Responsibility”, in K. Antonopoulos – K. Magliveras, The Law of
International Society, 3rd ed., Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 2017, pp. 455-484 (in Greek).
10. “International Responsibility of International Organizations”, in K. Antonopoulos – K.
Magliveras, The Law of International Society, 3rd ed., Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 2017, pp. 485-
504 (in Greek).
11. “Marine Scientific Research”, in G. Andreonne (ed.), The future of the Law of the Sea.
Bridging Gaps between national, individual and common interests, MARSAFENET Springer,
2017, pp. 87-104.
12. “Reconsidering the Marine Scientific Research in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas: Taking
Stock and Looking Ahead” in A. Caligiuri (ed.), Governance of the Adriatic and Ionian Marine
Space, Editoriale Scientifica: Milano, 2016, pp. 107-118.
13. “Multilateral Diplomacy”, in Th. Dokos (ed.), White Paper on the Greek Foreign Policy,
Defense and Security, I. Sideris, Athens, 2016, pp. 241-246 (in Greek).
14. “Responsibility to Protect: Current issues and practical implications”, in A.I. Metaxas (ed.),
Political Science: Interdisciplinary Approach of Political Action, vol. VII: International Relations,
Sakkoulas, Athens, 2016, pp. 197-214 (in Greek).
15. “The protection of the environment in the European Union”, in N. Maravegias (ed.),
European Union: creation, evolution and perspectives, Kritiki: Athens, 2016, pp. 385-402 (in
16. “The European Union and International Environmental Law” in Essays in honor of
Professor Panayiotis Kanellopoulos, Sakkoulas, Athens-Salonica, 2015, pp. 139-159 (in Greek).
17. “Sauver les baleines contre les baleiniers : coup de projecteur sur l’arrêt de la CIJ du 31
mars 2014”, Annuaire de Droit de la Mer, 2013, pp. 175-198.
18. “Revisiting the Responsibility of International Organizations: Taking Stock and Looking
Forward”, in Th. Skouteris-M. Vagias (eds.) International Organizations and the Protection of
Human Rights, Essays in honor of Professor Paroula Naskou-Perraki, Themis publications:
Athens, 2014, pp. 47-62.
19. “L’organisation politique à vocation universelle dans l’oeuvre de Georges Scelle : théorie et
applications”, in C. Apostolidis – H. Tourard (ed.), Actualité de Georges Scelle, éd. Universitaires
de Dijon, Dijon, 2013, pp. 133-147.
20. “The Europeanization of the Greek Environmental Policy”, in N. Maravegias (ed.),
Europeanization of the Mediterranean, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 2013, pp. 297-326 (in Greek).
21. “State Responsibility from the Turkish Invasion in Cyprus in 1974”, in P. Papapolyviou –
A. Syrigos – E. Hatzivasiliou (eds.), The Cypriot Issue and the International System 1945-1974,
Patakis, Athens, 2013, pp. 289-303 (in Greek).
22. “The International Environmental Protection System” in A. Kontis – Ch. Tsardanidis (eds.),
International Political Economy II, Papazissis, Athens, 2012, pp. 871-896 (in Greek).
23. “The Europeanisation of the Greek Environmental Policy: Between Ambition and
Ambivalence”, Revista de Estudios Europeos, n. 58, Julio-Diciembre 2011, pp. 47-66.
24. “International Humanitarian Law and the UN Peace Operations”, in K. Koufa (ed.),
Collection of essays in international humanitarian law, Sfakianakis, Salonica, 2011, pp. 115-156
(in Greek).
25. “La protection de l’environnement dans la jurisprudence récente de la Cour Internationale
de Justice : à propos de l’arrêt des Usines de pâte à papier sur le fleuve Uruguay (20 avril 2010)”,
Revue Hellénique de Droit International, 2011, n. 2, pp. 661-688.
26. “Seal the Deal: a New Approach on Climate Change”, in S. Dalis (ed.), From Bush to
Obama: International Policy in a Changing World, Papazissis publishers, Athens, 2010, pp. 240-
256 (in Greek).
27. “Le principe d’intégration”, in P. Billet, M. Durousseau, G. Martin, I. Trinquelle (dir.),
Droit de l’environnement et protection de la santé, Société française pour le droit de
l’environnement, collection : logiques juridiques, éd. L’Harmattan, Paris, 2009, pp. 255-260.
28. “International Regulations for the Protection of the Environment: General Characteristics,
Weaknesses and New Challenges”, in I. Vassilopoulos (dir.), The Contribution of Jurisprudence
in the Evolution of Environmental Law, Sakkoulas,: Athens-Thessaloniki, 2009, pp. 121-132 (in
29. “L’évolution du système de Barcelone : Le protocole sur la gestion intégrée des zones
côtières de la Méditerranée”, Annuaire du droit de la mer, 2008, pp. 371-386.
30. “Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? International Responsibility and International
Organisations”, in St. Perrakis (ed.), International Organisations: Legal aspects and policies, Ant.
N. Sakkoulas: Athens – Komotini, 2008, pp. 33-64 (in Greek).
31. “The UN Contribution in the Protection of the Environment” in H. Dipla – Emm. Doussis
(eds.), Sixty years from the Creation of the United Nations, Sideris: Athens, 2007, pp. 215-233.
32. “The Legal System of the European Union”, in N. Maravegias – M. Tsinisizelis (eds.), New
European Union, Organization and Politics, Themelio, Athens, 2007, pp. 214-240 (in Greek).
33. “Environmental Protection of the Black Sea: A Legal Perspective”, Southeast European and
Black Sea Studies, vol. 6, issue. 3, September 2006, pp. 355-369.
34. “The African Union” (with P. Navrozidis), 23 Hellenic Review of Political Science, 2004,
pp. 138-164 (in Greek).
35. “The protection of the marine environment in the Aegean and the Black Sea”, in H. Dipla –
C. Rozakis (eds.), The Law of the Sea and its Implementation in Greece, Sideris, Athens, 2004,
pp. 295-313.
36. “Iles, îlots, rochers et hauts-fonds découvrants”, in INDEMER, Le processus de délimitation
maritime, Etude d’un cas fictif, Pedone: Paris, 2004, pp. 134-166.
37. “L’accord du 17 février 2003 entre Chypre et l’Egypte sur la délimitation de leurs zones
économiques exclusives : bref commentaire”, Annuaire du droit de la mer, 2004, pp. 143-155.
38. “Cultural Landscapes: A Model for Integrated Management” (with A. Zervaki), in A.
Deffner, D. Konstadakopulos, Y. Psycharis (eds.), Culture and Regional Economic Development
in Europe: Cultural, Political and Social Perspectives, University of Thessaly Press, Volos, 2003,
σελ. 459-470.
39. “La protection du milieu marin en mer Egée”, Annuaire du droit de la mer, 2001, pp. 9-45.
40. “Intérêt juridique et intervention devant la Cour Internationale de Justice”, Revue Générale
de Droit International Public, 2001, n° 1, pp. 55-91.
41. « The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: a step forward the political
union? », in S. Dalis (ed.), From Amsterdam to Nice. Europe and Greece in the new era, Kritiki,
Athens, 2001, pp. 254-260 (in Greek).
42. “Turkish Claims in the Aegean: legal and political aspects”, Research paper, Institute of
Defense Analysis, Athens, 2001 (in Greek).
43. “The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: a constitutional protection of
Human Rights?”, ELIAMEP Yearbook, 2001, pp. 253-259 (in Greek).
44. « L’intérêt juridique comme condition de l’intervention devant la Cour Internationale de
Justice », 52 Revue Hellénique de Droit International, 1999, pp. 281-320.
VIΙΙ. Membership of Scientific Societies and other scientific bodies.
International Law Association (ILA): member of the ILA International Committee on Role of
International Law in Sustainable Natural Resource Management for Development.
French Society of International Law.
Hellenic Society of International Law and International Relations.
European Society of International Law (ESIL).
Hellenic Society of Environmental Law.
Associate Member of the Centre de recherche et d’étude en droit et en science politique
(CREDESPO – Dijon).
Member of the Greek National Committee on Adaptation to Climate Change.
Member of the Green Tank Consultative Committee.
- Research interests
Climate Governance, International and European Environmental Law, Sustainable Development,
International Institutions, Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, International Law and International
Relations, Southeast European Studies.